
The website has been designed and adopted a series of measures whose objective is to allow all people to browse its contents without encountering difficulties in accessing information and services.

The accessibility policy applied by the City Council is aligned with the requirements of Royal Decree 1494/2007, of November 12, which approves the Regulation on the basic conditions for access of people with disabilities to technologies , products and services related to the information society and social media.

The advantages that this entails are, among others:

  • Facilitate access for people regardless of their physical condition or their environment.
  • Allow access with different user agents.
  • Include clear and well-structured content.
  • Improve navigation and user experience.

Among the measures adopted:

  • Logical order of presentation of the elements on the screen and of the contents in the code.
  • Use of W3C standards:
  • HTML 5 and CSS 3 grammar
  • Accessibility Guidelines for Web Content level AA according to the UNE 139803:2012 Standard. 

The design and layout have been developed keeping in mind the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0) that directly affect this part of the development:

  • Separation of content and presentation through style sheets.
  • Use of relative units (allow text resizing and fluid layouts).
  • Colour contrast control.

The City Council considers the accessibility of its portal as a continuous improvement process in which it invites the citizen to participate with any suggestion (